The "sparkle fund" we all deserve
Here's a thought for you:
What's the best part about appreciation?
Everyone's feeling warm.
Alright, then what’s the best part about support?
Everyone's flourishing.
So, what's the difference between appreciation and support?
Creating smiles, versus creating success.
Then, what's the difference between creating smiles versus creating success? When success blooms, everyone's having a good time - and you can be the source of inspiration!
Ta-da - consider this your gateway to creating a positive workplace!
Not too long ago, we introduced our "Go to Hell Fund" - a piggy bank full of strong statements that we can draw from when someone is asking us to take actions we don't agree with at work.
Unless you find yourself in an exceptionally toxic work environment (in that case, you should run!), chances are you've also experienced uplifting moments that deserve recognition.
Think back to those moments when a teammate not only lent a hand during a last-minute crisis but also went above and beyond to share their expertise; or when someone noticed your workload reaching overwhelming levels and offered to share the tasks. Picture the times when a colleague provided invaluable feedback, helping you grow professionally, or when they cheered you on during a challenging project, boosting your confidence.
These positive moments, whether big or small, are worth celebrating. That's why we've decided to introduce a distinct fund—a treasury of inspiring gifs, uplifting quotes, and messages of appreciation for those who truly deserve them.
Keep this fund close at hand for whenever you want to express your appreciation. Its purpose extends beyond commending colleagues; use it to thank a client, welcome a new team member, celebrate shared successes, or infuse your workplace with positivity.